History 1905 – 1963


Signalman F.H. Horne fired the signals for an exercise on 9 August and went home. He was however found dead later from a heart attack amongst trees near the lifeboat house. Committee of Management voted £15 to local fund.


Whilst lifeboat was being launched for exercise on 14 March, Coxswain Henry Squire, who was assisting, collapsed and died. Committee of Management voted £150 to dependants.


Schooner Tehwija of Riga wrecked on Exmouth Bar. Exmouth and Teignmouth lifeboats assisted.


The lifeboat was launched on service on 5 November during a whole south east gale and very heavy sea to the French tug St Paul. The crew was comprised of older men and the Committee of Management granted them an additional award and sent them a special letter of thanks.


Centenary Vellum awarded to the station.


Motor-lifeboat Catherine Harriet Eaton on station.



Thanks on Vellum awarded to Coxswain Thomas Horne for a service in heavy seas.


A Clayton launching tractor is provided.


Signalman Samuel Gifford was fatally injured en route to a launch, later suffering a stroke; he died on 25th December 1953.


Liverpool-class lifeboat Maria Noble on station.     150th Year Commemorative Vellum awarded to the Station.


Bronze Medal awarded to Coxswain Harold Bradford for the rescue of five crew from the cabin cruiser ‘Nicky’.


On Christmas Day afternoon the lifeboat was launched to assist Dutch motor vessel Minerva. Second Coxswain Jack Phillips and Will Carder were both washed overboard from the lifeboat. Both were found, sadly Will Carder could not be revived. Following this tragedy Trinity House asked those members of the lifeboat crew who were members of the Pilot staff to resign from the lifeboat and Coxswain Harold Bradford, 2nd Coxswain Jack Phillips and Cecil Hockings left the service.


Carriage launched lifeboat replaced by afloat Watson-class George and Sarah Strachan
moored in Exe estuary, with temporary dockside facilities.


Watson-class lifeboat Michael Stephens on station.

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