Articles A Celebration of Ian Stuart’s Life – Thursday 22nd October

A Celebration of Ian Stuart’s Life – Thursday 22nd October

A Celebration of Ian Stuart’s Life – Thursday 22nd October

In fond and grateful memory of Ian Stuart, owner of Stuart Line Cruises and The Land Train, Exmouth. 

Ian will be remembered as a tremendous asset to our town, a great ambassador to its tourist trade, a very kind and generous man and an avid supporter of Exmouth RNLI. He will also be remembered for for the incredible courage he displayed in fighting the awful illness that he suffered with great dignity and determination.

From the crew and all volunteers at Exmouth RNLI – Rest in Peace Ian, “Home is the Sailor from the sea.”.

Please see the below message from Ian’s family

A Celebration of Ian Stuart’s Life – Thursday 22nd October
“As many of you know, Ian Stuart of Stuart Line Cruises, Exmouth,  sadly passed away at the beginning of this month.
We will be unable to have a traditional funeral due to COVID_19 and will be holding a service for close friends and family only. However, we are aware that there are a number of you who would like to be able to come and pay your respects in some way.
We will therefore be doing a procession with Ian, along Exmouth Seafront and you are invited to stand (adhering to social distancing ) near the Lifeboat Station or opposite the Grove Pub, if you would like to.
We will be passing Exmouth Lifeboat Station at approximately 13:45 and plan to pass the Grove Pub at around 13:55/14:00.
There will be doing a collection to donate to the Royal Devon and Exeter Head and Neck department, where Ian received world class treatment in both 2010 and this year, without whom we are sure he wouldn’t have had the past 10 years. If you would like to contribute, however big or small, please drop cheques to the Stuart Line Cruises Booking Office at Exmouth Marina (EX8 1FE). Cheques should be made payable to RD&E HOSPITAL GENERAL TRUST FUND (ENT DEPARTMENT).
The seafront was where Ian spent the majority of his life – it was his heart and soul and it would be wonderful to be able to celebrate Ian’s life with you in this way if you would like to come along – I know it would mean the world to Ian’s family to see you there.

Please spread the word”


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