Articles Des White’s Exmouth RNLI Virtual Reindeer Run

Des White’s Exmouth RNLI Virtual Reindeer Run

Des White’s Exmouth RNLI Virtual Reindeer Run

The chair of Exmouth RNLI’s Fundraising Committee and volunteer Tour Guide, Des White, is aiming to raise important funds for the lifesaving charity by competing in this years RNLI Virtual Reindeer Run.

In past years it has become a Christmas tradition for people across the country to put on their running shoes, don a pair of antlers and take part in organised RNLI Reindeer Run events. Jogging alongside mascots Rookie the Reindeer and Stormy Stan it’s always been a great opportunity to enjoy some festive fun and raise money for the RNLI.

But with coronavirus restrictions in place, this year the charity are making changes to ensure the Reindeer Run can still go ahead with runners remaining safe and complying with government regulations.

On the weekend of 12th and 13th December 2020, Des White, Chair of Exmouth RNLI Fundraising Committee and volunteer RNLI Tour Guide will be joining thousands of others across the country and competing in this novel event to raise much needed funding for the lifesaving charity.

Des, who successfully completed the 2019 London Marathon for the RNLI, said, “I will be running along the Exmouth Seafront on Saturday 12th December, starting at 9am at the Lifeboat Station and I aim to finish at about 10am. This year has been a particularly difficult year for the RNLI charity, with the cancellation of numerous fundraising events, our shops closed and it being impossible for our amazing supporters to arrange collections, so I want to take this opportunity to raise as much as I can for our lifesavers.”

Despite the fall in fundraising forcing the RNLI to pause building some of its lifeboats as well as delaying station maintenance and crew training, the charity has always managed to maintain its essential lifesaving service throughout, and it is hoped this important fundraiser will raise much needed funds for the charity to continue its vital work.

Des can be sponsored for the event by following this link :

The event is open for anyone to take part, be it a gallop, canter, trot or walk of 1k, 5k, 10k or more at their own pace at any time or location of their choosing over the weekend of 12th  / 13th December 2020 using this fundraising page:



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