Articles Exmouth lifeboat station set to recruit visitor guides

Exmouth lifeboat station set to recruit visitor guides

Exmouth lifeboat station set to recruit visitor guides

On March 12, 13 and 26, Exmouth lifeboat station will be holding recruitment days to attract new volunteers to show visitors around the boathouse on Queens Drive.

Lifeboat Visits Officer, Derek Cairns will be co-ordinating the informal event to enable existing volunteers to speak to members of the community who would like to become involved. Derek says:

‘We have a very high demand to visit our station and look around our state-of-the-art Shannon class lifeboat R and J Welburn, its launch and recovery system and D class inshore lifeboat George Bearman. We currently run organised group tours which are booked in advance through our website, but we would like to be available to show visitors around throughout the week. This is a great opportunity to learn more about our charity and the work of our life-saving volunteers in Exmouth.

‘We hope to attract people who are enthusiastic and have good communication skills who are confident to deliver short talks to a diverse group of visitors throughout the year. Training will be given and prospective visitor guides will need to commit to agreed hours to enhance visitor experience.’

The recruitment open days will be held between 11am and 2pm on Saturday 12, Sunday 13 and Saturday 26 March at the lifeboat station on Queens Drive, Exmouth. EX8 2AY. For more details about us, please see or email Derek Cairns at




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