Articles Exmouth RNLI Fireworks Display : Cancellation

Exmouth RNLI Fireworks Display : Cancellation

Exmouth RNLI Fireworks Display : Cancellation

The Exmouth RNLI Events Team have taken the difficult decision to cancel this years annual Fireworks display due to take place at the Exmouth Rugby Club & Recreation Ground on 5th November 2020.
Last year’s display was the first to be organised by our Exmouth lifesaving charity to raise funds for our volunteers to continue their important work. It was met with amazing support from the community, and generated £12,834 for the popular cause.
Louise Hockings-Thompson, Chair of the Exmouth RNLI Events Team said, “With the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and imposed restrictions on large outdoor gatherings we are, regrettably, unable to safely host the 2020 event. We have to put the safety of the public, our supporters and volunteers to the fore and, whilst it is very sad news that we won’t be hosting the RNLI firework display this year, we are even more determined to return with a bigger and better experience in 2021. We look forward to our loyal supporters and members of the local community joining us for that celebration.”
The Coronavirus restrictions have had a huge impact on our charity’s ability to fundraise, both nationally and locally, with all of our regular annual fundraising events being cancelled and we are looking for additional public support now more than ever to keep our lifeboats launching, our beaches safeguarded and to carry on with our RNLI volunteers continued quest to save lives at sea.
You can find out more about the ways in which we’ve adapted to this crisis and how you can still help us to raise important funds by visiting our national RNLI website at
Direct donations to our charity may be made online by visiting this link :
Our Exmouth RNLI shop is also closed until further notice but you can still support your local RNLI volunteers by ordering from the online shop at :
Typing in ‘EXMOUTH’ as your discount code for free delivery, will enable you to buy articles at exactly the same price as you would at our local outlet.
Local supporters can keep up to date with all of our upcoming online fundraising initiatives as they happen by visiting our Facebook page at :


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