Exmouth RNLI launch in response to distress call

Exmouth RNLI volunteers were tasked today after H.M. Coastguard received an emergency distress transmission.

At 11.26am today Wednesday 6 July 2022, H.M. Coastguard tasked Exmouth RNLI Inshore Lifeboat D-805 George Bearman II to a report of an automated DSC distress signal being received at a location 300 metres off Sandy Bay, Exmouth.  The lifesavers launched at 11:32am and immediately commenced a shoreline search in the locality broadcast by the emergency call.

Shortly afterwards at 11.36am H.M. Coastguard requested Exmouth RNLI All Weather Lifeboat 13-03 R & J Welburn launch to assist their colleages in the search.

Both Exmouth RNLI Lifeboats in action. Credit: RNLI

Both lifeboats then commenced a detailed search of the area and at 11.55am the volunteer crew of the RNLI inshore lifeboat identified a vessel east of the location with a faulty radio that was believed to be the source of the signal. The crew were able to satisfy themselves that the alarm was due to equipment failure, those on board the boat were safe and no other vessels in the area were in distress. At 12.15pm H.M. Coastguard stood down both lifeboats and they made their way back to Exmouth.

Exmouth RNLI volunteer lifesavers who took part in the assignment were :

All Weather Lifeboat :  Coxswain : Steve Hockings-Thompson, Lifeboat Mechanic : Andy Stott and crew Harry Griffin, Sarah Pennicard, Ed Steele and Geoff Mills.  

Inshore Lifeboat : Helm: Guy Munnings and crew Dougie Wright and James Edge.

Other volunteers involved were Deputy Launch Authority, Rob Vince and Tractor Driver, Robert Thompson.

Both lifeboats were back on service by 12.35pm today.





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