Articles Exmouth RNLI rescue fishing vessel

Exmouth RNLI rescue fishing vessel

Exmouth RNLI rescue fishing vessel

The volunteer crew of Exmouth RNLI All Weather Lifeboat was today tasked to assist a fishing trawler in difficulty off the East Devon coast.

Exmouth All Weather Lifeboat R & J Welburn launches to the rescue

At 15:28 hrs today, Friday 15 January 2021, Exmouth RNLI All Weather Lifeboat 13-03 R & J Welburn, was requested by H.M. Coastguard to a report that a fishing trawler positioned 6 miles due south of Sidmouth was taking on water.

The lifeboat, crewed by Coxswain, Steve Hockings-Thompson and volunteer RNLI crew, Harry Griffin, Andy Stott, James Edge, Roger Moore and Roy Stott, launched at 15:48hrs and made it’s way to the incident, arriving on scene at 16:03 hrs.

At this time the vessel had temporarily resolved the problem and was escorted by the RNLI crew safely back to harbour at Brixham at 17:23hrs. Once the safety of the crew and the vessel was established, the all weather lifeboat made its way back to Exmouth at 17:48hrs.

Coxswain, Steve Hockings-Thompson, said, “The crew on the trawler made the correct decision in requesting assistance as soon as they discovered the problem. We were on scene with the casualty vessel very quickly and myself and my volunteer crew were pleased to assist the boat safely back to port.”

Route taken by the lifeboat Courtesy :

The lifeboat was back on station ready for service at 18:16 hrs today.


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