Articles Exmouth RNLI Lifeboat rescues two trapped by tide  

Exmouth RNLI Lifeboat rescues two trapped by tide  

Exmouth RNLI Lifeboat rescues two trapped by tide  

On the evening of Friday 2 August 2019 the crew of Exmouth RNLI Inshore Lifeboat George Bearman II rescued two teenagers trapped by the tide on rocks at Orcombe Point, Exmouth.

At about 8:10pm the volunteer crew of the inshore lifeboat were returning from exercise when they spotted two young men apparently in difficulty on some rocks off the beach at Orcombe Point and found that they had become trapped by the tide.

The Crew, Harry Griffin, Henry Mock and James Searle took the teenagers on board the lifeboat and transported them to the safety of dry land at Sandy Bay. Neither were injured.

Inshore Lifeboat Helm Harry Griffin, who led the rescue, said “It was very fortunate that we were in the vicinity of the rocks at the time and discovered these two young men in difficulty. It is so important that people check the tide state before they venture out around our coastline. There are numerous locations along the coast where people can easily get cut off by tides and find themselves in danger. Before you go out always make sure it’s safe, check tide timetables and always be aware of your surroundings.”

The incident was concluded at 8:18pm and the Inshore Lifeboat was back on station and ready for service at 8:32pm the same day.

Weather conditions and tide activity around Exmouth can be found online here :


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